Now that a suitable replacement for CrunchBang has come along, you can use my previous guide here for optimizing the lightweight CrunchBang++ Linux operating system as a guest virtual machine. One difference you will find is how to enable auto-login now that the core Debian base has changed in Jessie. The easy method of using a GUI is no longer available, but fret not as the changes required are minor. Simply perform the following steps to enable the auto-login functionality.
Open a terminal window and run the following command to edit the proper config file:
$ sudo geany /etc/slim.conf
On line 37 delete the part of the login command after exec and up to the ampersand so the line now looks like this:
login_cmd exec /bin/bash -login /etc/X11/Xsession %session
Uncomment line 70 and change simone to your username:
default_user nodakbarnes
Uncomment line 78 and change to yes to enable auto-login:
auto_login yes
That’s it! Now save the file and reboot and enjoy not having to login in every time to your VM.